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Another weekend already!

What can be better than waking up to a misty morning which then becomes a lovely warm spring day, nothing better than having your door open to the garden all day, washing drying on the line, and even a glass of wine at lunchtime in the garden, I am sure that it won't last but I have been definitely been making the most of it.

Our weekend away began with breakfast at this lovely restaurant, now if you are ever travelling on the A303 down to the west country or for that matter up to London then a detour to Bruton in Somerset is definitely worth while, The restaurant is called The Chapel and it is exactly that a beautiful converted chapel which now houses a restaurant, bakery, and downstairs cocktail bar and I think in a few weeks time there will also be accommodation.

It was a great weekend with our friends - so much talk that I think we all had sore throats by the end of the weekend. We started with a day in Windsor,

which I have to say is a little spoilt by tourists, but a walk along the River Thames and then into Eton was less crowded and delightful. Loved the postman at Eton College on his red bike.

We then visited Richmond, I have been many times, but never visited Pembroke Lodge,

 or this beautiful view of St Pauls from King Henry VIII's Mound, and a view of central London's London Eye, Natwest Tower and The Gherkin, appearing to be close to each other. I am afraid my camera did not pick it up due to having the wrong lense, but I have found a photo of what you could see through the telescope.

Can you spot the parakeet in the tree at Richmond Park I was amazed to see that there is now quite a few of them in Richmond and surrounding areas, they are in fact frightening some of our native smaller birds away from their natural habitat, which is a shame.

view to Ham House

Of course we had to stop at The Chapel on our way home for lunch and to take some of their lovely bread home with us.
I arrived home to parcels (which I always love especially if they come from France) to a lovely pair of vintage curtains, and more French Torchons (tea-towels) I often go on ebay.fr which seems to have more vintage fabrics than on the normal ebay, just need to ask if they are prepared to post to England and most are, although the postage can be expensive.

Tomorrow I am off to a Rag Remnant and Rummage sale in Taunton, organised by http://thewasherwoman.blogspot.com/ so hopefully will be coming home with some lovely things!!
Have a lovely weekend and lets hope the sun keeps shining!

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