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At the end of the day

Much as I love what I do for a living, I also love the time of day when you come to a stopping point and leave for home. We have been very busy lately - everyone seems to be feeling the strain.  And usually, I end my day in the ER so its quite a walk to my car.
I pass by some art on the walls and pretty building features that I generally take for granted - maybe because I have been walking past it for almost 12 years.  But I do remember when we moved into our new hospital home, being impressed by how pretty it was, thinking it would be a comfort to the families and patients we serve.
The old hospital had some beauty here and there, but nothing like as intentional as this - large windows that look OUT towards sun and plants, water and sky.  Intricate wall mosaics.  Interactive light displays.  Original commissioned art, some by physicians.  And its HUGE compared to the old place.
The architecture is beautiful - like this polished wood planked floor that makes a breezeway, stretching across the 2nd and 3rd floor.
 So much open space and natural light..
The day I took these pics I was just walking along, snapping them randomly.  The pics themselves are unremarkable.  And I guess its been awhile since I noticed how pretty the place is.
I've always admired the lush landscaping.  But I forget that the back side of the hospital is even lovelier than the front.  The back is all about a healing space for families.  I need to get back there and take more photos.  I may well forget someday what it all looks like!
A long walk - from where I say goodnight to my co-workers, to through the halls, down the stairs, all the way to the end of a huge parking to my car.  And because of the time change, it is still light outside at 7:30 pm. 
(The hospital will soon replace that parking lot with a medical building and create a parking garage for employees that will be much appreciated in inclement weather. So, a lot of the trees will have to go, which I find sad.)  Even after 12 years the place is growing and I am glad I was a part of it, so on a hard day, that thought lifts me a little.

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