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Harlan Ellison: R.I.P.

End of an era. Harlan Ellison, an amazingly prolific and talented writer of science fiction, mystery, articles, TV series and movies, passed away in his sleep last night at the age of 84. Ellison contributed to The Outer Limits, Star Trek, and Babylon 5, among others. If you knew Harlan, you knew he was impetuous, provocative, passionate, often angry, litigious, and cantankerous, but what an incredible talent!

Ellison also wrote scripts for Route 66, Burke's Law, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, The Man from Uncle, The Twilight Zone, and The Flying Nun, as well as The Alfred Hitchcock Hour. In terms of movies, he wrote The Oscar and A Boy and His Dog (1975), based on his 1969 short story.

His 1965 short story Repent, Harlequin! Said the Ticktockman which celebrates civil disobedience against a repressive establishment is his most reprinted story. So timely, especially now.

Harlan received multiple Hugos, Nebulas, and Edgars, as well as WG Awards for his TV Work and the Silver Pen for Journalism.

When I heard of his passing this morning, I burst into tears, surprising myself. It's a long time since I've seen Harlan, but I will never forget him. Such a large personality in such a small body. Rest in Peace, Harlan. Maybe there's a typewriter in a store window in heaven....or in hell...or wherever you landed. Peace.

Read the LA Times Obit here.

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