Meanwhile somewhere north of the 38th Parallel, in the Land of the Great Reader KIM Jong IL's World-Why-Web, we find the DPRK's favorite DickTater taking in a taped Sunsday sermon frum the Great Spiritual Leader the REVEREND JEREMIAH WRIGHT Jr...
...NAW, NAW, NAW!!! NOT GOD BLESS AMERICA...**&^$%$$^&$$*% AMERICA!!!
KIM- Hoe-ly Moe-ly!!! It's a Sunsday and this is what Americans rike President of TexAss George DoubleWoo Bloosh goes to hear at local churches, General Wang?!
WANG- Quite possibly, Most High Reader.
KIM- That Reverend Wright dude be the Pimp Daddy of the LAWD! No wonder Barrack Who's-Named OBAMA and his old lady (Michelin) be so's messed up!
WANG- Exactly, Great Reader.
KIM-Well Wang, seeing as howze it's beings Sunsday and all.... what-da-ya-say we do like most good "Northern American Baptists" and just skip church? Huh?!
WANG- Oh HELL yeah, Sir! Want me to tune in NASCAR?!!!
KIM- Right on, you bad MAMMER-JAMMER!!!
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