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Arriaval in Hong Kong

After walking around Macau, we finally decided to take a boat trip to our main destination which is Hong Kong. I didnt took much picture during the trip from Macau to Hong Kong because we are just too rush and too crowded for me to take my camera out...

After 1 hour of 5 mins of boat riding, we finally step our foot in the soil of Hong Kong...once arrive in Hong Kong, we faster go find food because we have not had our actual meal yet. We only had some snacks like portugese egg tart or some roast ba qua(sliced meat)...

**After searching the whole complex , Harbour City Mall, we decided to have our so call lunch at their food court and I ordered pepper salt crispy chicken...which is nice..because that time hungry ma..hehe**

***The chicken comes together with Ramen...***

***and vege too and it only cost approx RM13***

***Mean while, LeePeng ordered honey chicken wings which tasted extreamely, i repeat, extreamly sweet..which ruin the taste of the chicken***

***After our lunch + dinner, we walk out of the mall and this is how the entrance looks like...so xmas...hehe***

***Check out Tsim Sha Tsui's building....so tall leh...and nice also***

***The stree so busy....and so many ppl crossing road....***

***After taking some pics, we start our journey to our hotel, we walked, we took train, we took taxi but actually no need take taxi also can reach but we just too tired...and this is our hotel...in Kowloon area***

***The entrance***

***After resting at our hotel for a short while, we met up with our own friendly tour guide...Stephanie...which came to Malaysia few months back***

***This is a western food restaurant which serve cheap western food but the environment not really ok la..hehe...I ordered combo set which consists of 2 big pieces of steak...scallops and prawns...super delicious man...***

***Mean while, Leepeng and stephanie ordered rib eye which consists of 2 big big pieces of steak also...can faint leh***

***After our satisfying dinner, we walk around the streets of Mong Kok....***

***Mong Kok definately a paradise for a shopoholic...they have shops selling gadgets, clothes, accessories and many many more...!!!***
***Guess what Rames doing??***
Thats all for today's 'report' going to sleep now....will continue later lo...ciaoz...

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