I had to work my way through the initial episodes and the subsequent diagnosis. In re-arranging my life around the condition (and the medication that came with it), I sort of had to learn how to write a novel again - and remember what the sacred feth I'd been trying to do with the one that was already underway.
Anyway, you know all this. I'm done now. PB is finished. I've got back on the horse, and I think I've delivered a bit of monster. I mean, of course, monster in the good sense of the word.
I thought you might be amused by these scene-of-crime pictures. This is how the monkey forge looked in the immediate aftermath of the ritual typing of the final full stop. I took a few snaps for posterity before clearing the decks.
This is the Primary Clone POV shot. Post-It plot-point mosaic City.
Here we have the right hand side of the desk spread (a view that was too big for one shot). Of particular note, the big "Master Book of Prospero Burns Ideas".
To the left of the Big Desk, the box-loads and stacks of ref.
And to desk-right, more notes, notebooks and ref (some physical items, as you can see).
On Monday, I'll be posting a short taster of the novel, the promised extract to whet your appetites and your axes. Monday at noon, UK time. Don't be late.
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