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They Are The Champions

We had the pleasure of attending the Nova Scotia Special Olympics Provincial Games this past weekend. And what a pleasure it was!

It was absolutely impossible not to join in the fun. The smiles and laughter of the athletes is completely contagious. You can't help but look at them and smile.

They have an amazing spirit and, to me, the Games are the best example of what true sportsmanship really should be. Sure, everyone cheers like crazy for their favourite athlete or team, but it's not all over, time to go home once gold, silver and bronze have placed. The cheering and applause continues unabated for fourth, fifth and sixth ... even seven, eighth and ninth ... no matter how much longer it might take for the last athlete to reach the finish line.

That spirit is perhaps best summed up in the athletes' oath:
Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.
That old Queen song, 'We Are The Champions' kept playing over and over in my head this weekend. And with good reason. They, each and everyone of them, truly were are the champions. And I, as a spectator, was honoured to share their weekend.

You can find a short history of how the Special Olympics came to Canada here. I am just so grateful that did.

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