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A day in the life: Quarantine edition

It's crazy to think how much our lives have changed in a little over a month. I miss everything that used to be "normal" to me such as meeting friends and family, drinking coffee in a café and yeah, going to work. I'd never thought I'd say I actually miss going to work. But, you all know how this is~
Here we are, 7 weeks after this whole lockdown thing started. Two online teaching jobs and a pile of paperwork that seems endless!
Not long ago, I made a My week in photos post and I wanted to make something similar during this situation, to capture what my life looks like right now.
Some things may change depending on the day. There are days when I cook, days that are packed with work and others when I get to go out to get some groceries. But the rest is pretty much the same.

Wednesday May 06, 2020.

My alarm goes off at 8:30am. I need an alarm to wake up or I could sleep in until very late. I spend a couple of minutes in bed trying to fully wake up. I sometimes check my IG feed and some messages during this time.

Once I get out of bed it's coffee time! I can't start my day without a cup of coffee and of course, breakfast.

At 9:00am I kinda start working, even if I'm still in the middle of my breakfast, cuz it's when activities are sent to my students and we have to explain activities, answer doubts and questions. 
After breakfast I spend hours in front of the computer catching up with paperwork, lesson planning and other things my bosses ask us to do, while answering messages from students, washing up and getting ready in between. Multitasking!

Video calls and online classes schedules change depending on the day. Today, the spanish teacher & I had a video call with some of our students at 11am.

My chubby cheeks tho!
Since I finished most of my work yesterday, I was able to "finish" around 12:30pm. (cuz I recieve msgs all. day. long. No joke.)

I took some time to fold laundry while listening to my podcast: My Favorite Murder.

Once that was done, I went to the ATM and Walmart, to buy a few things we needed. Even tho it's scary to go out, I have to say I enjoy it because that's the only moment I get to leave the house!

I also stopped by the McD's drive thru to order some food. Mom's treat, and it came in perfect because I was craving McD's for a couple of days thanks to Emmy made in Japan and her Japanese McDonld's video.

Not McD's Japan but it always makes me happy

Whenever I go out, I change clothes as soon as I get home. I also took a shower and planned my classes for Thursday after lunch.

It rained today so I couldn't take Tinkerbell out for a walk. We usually take short walks right outside the house. I like to do it after 6pm, when no one else is around. Hehe

Around 7:30 / 8ish pm, it was time to relax watching a k-drama with my mom. We're currently watching "The greatest marriage" (aka Love and Marriage on netflix)
I also got caught up with messages and had dinner, while still watching the drama.

And well, around 10:30pm I started with my skin care routine and got ready for bed. I can tell my skin is enjoying this no-makeup season. I also have more time for facemasks so yeah, I think it looks and feels better.

I recently started using a gratitude journal that y sister gave me back in December. I thought it'd be good to always try to find something good in everyday, especially during this time. I try to dedicate 10 minutes to write something in there before bed.

There are nights where I fall asleep as soon as I lay in bed, and others where I spend hours watching random true crime shows, anime or The Simpsons, editing or working on blog posts. It depends on how tired I am.

This was a quiet day compared to others where I feel like work is endless, and I chose to share it because I didn't spend most of my day in front of the computer, working.

Ah! there's nothing too interesting but I still hope you enjoyed this post. Feel free to share a day in your life with me. 

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