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I had a long talk with the social worker from hospice on Monday. It was so helpful. What I learned is that we call grieve in different ways. Some feel guilty they are not doing enough. Others have regrets they may not have shared. Others cry at every little thing. This kind of thing can bring out the best and the worst in people. What we all need is to treat is other with as much love, kindness, and tenderness as humanly possible. That doesn't mean not sharing if something bugs us. But watch the tone of voice. Frame comments so that they are not criticisms, but questions. Ask if people need anything.

I wonder why it takes a crisis to make me learn to take better care of myself, to speak up when necessary, to know when to keep quiet and wait for a better moment. Or maybe it's not the crisis. Maybe I'm just maturing in ways I didn't dream possible. Whatever the reason, I am grateful I am learning the gift of discernment.

If I haven't already said so, I want to take a moment to thank you all for the wonderful, thoughtful, loving comments you have been leaving as I go through this difficult time. It means more to me than I can ever convey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


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