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Yes, we are a bunny grandma as of yesterday. There are five of the little squeakers, all sleeping snug in their angora bed. We didn't want more rabbits (keeping the two we have combed and plucked is plenty of work) but baby rabbits are funny and charming, and I can't say I'm sorry. Just don't do it again!

And C.'s King Stropharia or wine cap mushrooms are up! They were a birthday present from me via these cool fungus guys. The fat sack of cultured medium has been sitting on the kitchen counter getting spritzed every day for a couple of months, and these two handsome mushrooms just popped up. There should be plenty more coming soon, and then we can plant the thready roots (or mycelium) in the garden in the spring to continue to produce. (We hope.) The big one is about three inches across, and they are said to be delicious.

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