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Lancelot Link: Memorial Day Edition

Lancelot Link Monday! Today is the day in the USA that we honor our fallen soldiers... and BBQ... and go to the movies. It's the kick off of the Summer Blockbuster Season. But let's not forget our fallen soldiers, those who gave their lives for our country. The first Memorial Day was during the Civil War, when *all* the fatalities were Americans. Flowers were laid on the graves of dead soldiers... and there are various different versions of that First Memorial Day, from Savannah to Gettysburg to the first "official" Memorial Day in Charleston to honor almost 270 Black Union Soldiers who were buried in a mass grave. Here are this week's links to some great screenwriting and film articles, plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are a dozen links plus this week's car chase...

1) Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1 X Men Future Past.... $90,700,000
2 Godzilla............. $31,427,000
3 Blended.............. $14,245,000
4 Neighbors............ $13,947,000
5 Spiderman 2........... $7,800,000
6 Million Dollar Arm.... $7,093,000
7 Other Woman........... $3,700,000
8 Rio 2................. $2,500,000
9 Chef.................. $2,270,000
10 Heaven Is Real........ $1,940,000

2) Worst Films At The Cannes Market?

3) Rated R For Some Rear Nudity And A Smoking Caterpillar.

4) Netflix App Glitch Creates More Interesting Movies.

5) The Cinematography Of THE INCREDIBLES.

6) Why Are They Called Jedis?

7) Diary Of A Micro Budget Film.

8) Diary Of A Self Released Film.

9) BLUE RUIN, A Successful Micro Budget Film.

10) FRENCH CONNECTION Car Chase Locations Today.

11) Nielsen Ratings: WHY Your Favorite Show Was Cancelled.

12) HEAVEN'S GATE... the Butcher's Cut.

And the Car Chase Of The Week...

Who needs cars? From the original hit movie that was remade as BRICK MANSIONS.


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